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Saturday, July 19, 2008

Aeirin's Collections EC FEED ME GIVEAWAYS

Well You guessed it right here's another blog contest for entre Card Users. The offer was soo tempting that i couldn't resist posting here on my official blog. Its an easy contest provided you complete all thier demands and get enough entries to win the contest so here by best shot !! Hoping for the best haven't really planned for the worst yet ! .

Aeirin's Collections was launched on May 7,2008. In a few weeks, Aeirin's Collections will be on its third month. Due to the warm welcome I received from the blogger's world, Aeirin's Collections is hosting her first contest. It's called Aeirin's Collections EC FEED ME GIVEAWAYS.

Entering this contest is very EC (easy). All you have to do is:
(1) Subscribe to the RSS feed of Aeirin's Collections by email and confirm your subscription. We would never spam nor share your e-mail address with anyone. You can unsubscribe anytime.

Enter your email address:

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(2) Comment on this contest post to let us know you have entered.

You get an entry as easy as that. Remember to check your email and click on the link to confirm your subscription - unverified subscriptions will be disqualified from the contest.


Of course, you can gain bonus entries to boost your chances of winning (Note: you must subscribe to the RSS feed of Aeirin's Collections by email and confirm your subscription first before these will count as bonus entries):
(1) Subscribe to the RSS feed of Biz - N - Honey by email (+2 entries).
(2) Write a blog post about this contest and link to the homepages of Aeirin's Collections. (+3 entries).
(3) Fave Aeirin's Collections in Technorati (+3 entries).
(3b) Fave Biz - N - Honey in Technorati (+3 entries).
(4) Grab Aeirin's Collections badge (+2 entries).
(4b) Grab Biz - N - Honey badge (+2 entries).
(5) Stumble and Review any post on Aeirin's Collections or Biz - N - Honey (+2 entries per post).
(6) Make a donation at this link (+5 entries per US$2 donated).
(7) Refer a friend/reader to participate in our contest - friend/reader must state referrer in the comment on this post (+3 entries per referral).

If you're already a subscriber to our email feeds or you already grab my badge, just let me know.

Remember to comment on the contest post and include the following:
1. all the methods you have entered
2. how many entries you have accrued (your post permalink, StumbleUpon user name, technorati fave link, email address used to subscribe in rss/feeds, your blog’s name and link),
3. EntreCard user details
4. as well as some means of reaching you if you win (either an email address or a website where you can be contacted).
If you fail to comment here, your entries will not be included.

You may grab the EC FEED ME GIVEAWAYS badge, so I can easily identify that you participated in this contest. (I'll give 5 bonus entries, if you grab this)


Unknown said...

1. all the methods you have entered
(1.0 Subscribed to your RSS feeds

(2.0 Write a blog post about this contest and link to the homepages of Aeirin's Collections. (+3 entries).

(3.0 Fave Aeirin's Collections in Technorati (+3 entries). @ Roshill

(3.b Fave Biz - N - Honey in Technorati (+3 entries). @ Roshill

(4.0 Grab Aeirin's Collections badge (+2 entries). On site

(4.b Grab Biz - N - Honey badge (+2 entries). On site

(5.0 Stumble and Review any post on Aeirin's Collections or Biz - N - Honey (+2 entries per post). @ Your Contest Page as faeryrowan has done

(6.0 Make a donation at this link (+5 entries per US$2 donated. I will be donating you 2$ i cannot show you my email but here you can match this with the donation made ***********

(7.0 Refer a friend/reader to participate in our contest - friend/reader must state referrer in the comment on this post (+3 entries per referral. I have refered my friends they will be subscribing to your blog soon!. If you need proof of this you can use feedijit to check our IP's .

2. how many entries you have accrued (your post permalink, StumbleUpon user name, technorati fave link, email address used to subscribe in rss/feeds, your blog’s name and link),, roswell2007, click on roshill to check that i have made you fav!, and,

3. EntreCard user details
4. as well as some means of reaching you if you win (either an email address or a website where you can be contacted).
Add me on yahoo or Just comment on my blog

Admin said...

Hi I went to check the site for disclosure policies and it get'S stuck on the final step, it doesn'yt generate anything today...

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